
Want a more vibrant smile? Then teeth whitening may be just the procedure for you. When it comes to teeth whitening, you basically have two options to pick from in-office bleaching at at-home care. Both of these options make use of peroxide-based bleaching chemicals. The at-home bleaching agents usually contain around 3% to 20% peroxide while in-office bleaching agents are stronger containing 15-43% peroxide. In general, the longer you leave the bleaching solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth will become. That being said, you will take less time to attain the desired shade of white when you use a solution with higher concentrations of peroxide. When the solution is left on the teeth for too long, it may dehydrate them and increase their level of sensitivity.

At-home teeth bleaching options

Each tooth whitening option has its benefits and drawbacks, but be sure to consult with our team before you opt for the at-home-teeth- bleaching kits. Not everyone will achieve their desired results with these kits. Some of the at-home teeth whitening options include:
Whitening gels and strips are applied on the surface of the teeth using a brush or strip. They are peroxide-based whitening agents and you may need to use them twice a day for around two weeks in order to get the required effect. Tray-based whitening systems is a mouth-guard filled with a bleaching paste or gel and placed over the teeth for many hours in a single day. You may need to do this for up to 4 weeks in order to fully reap its benefits.