
You do need to replace the bands on traditional braces. You just need to know when to replace them. It is important to wear bands or elastics, as they help align your bite.

Replacing Rubber Bands

While you should replace your rubber bands 3 or 4 times per day, you do need to keep them in your mouth when you are eating and sleeping. The only times you should remove your elastics is when you brush and floss your teeth and before sports, if you have to wear a mouth guard. When you remove the mouth guard, you will still need to put the elastics or rubber bands back in the mouth. If you do not replace your rubber bands, they will grow weak and not offer the tension needed to realign the teeth and bite.

Attaching the Rubber Bands

Make sure you know exactly how to hook the rubber bands onto the braces. If you don’t attach the elastics properly, you could end up shifting the teeth in the wrong direction! Therefore, you need to check with us and go over the steps to make sure you do things right.

What Happens If You Don’t Wear Your Rubber Bands Full-time?

Remember, you don’t want to take your rubber bands out unless you wear a mouth guard or you need to brush and floss your teeth. If you wear your elastics only part-time, you will extend the treatment time. Therefore, you should make it a priority to wear your elastics most of the time. Otherwise, your teeth will be sore and you will just prolong the process. Do you have questions about wearing elastics or rubber bands? If so, we can answer your questions. Give us a call for an exam and consultation if you are interested in straightening your teeth. We can schedule a time that will meet with your schedule during the week or on weekends.