
Many of our orthodontic patients prefer Invisalign aligners, as they can be removed are virtually invisible. However, because the aligners can be removed, they sometimes become damaged. When this happens, you need to contact our orthodontic team immediately.

What Can Cause an Invisalign Aligner to Break?

Even though Invisalign dental trays are considered sturdy, they can and will break. For example, the aligner may break if you mistakenly drop it or step on it. It can also become damaged if you do not insert or remove the tray properly. Usually, a split occurs at the point where the canines meet the aligner. In this case, you may be reaching too far back in the mouth to remove the tray. When this happens, you may exert an additional amount of pressure, which will bend the tray around the canine teeth and lead to a break. To prevent this from happening, wiggle your thumb up against the aligner to loosen it in a more even manner.

When Should I Contact Your Office?

Before contacting our office, you will need to examine the aligner’s damage first. If you only see a slight crack, you may not need to have the aligner replaced. Check to see if you can still wear the tray without any problems with pain or splitting. If so, you can probably wait until you switch out the aligner for a new tray. Just be careful about removing the appliance or brushing it. If the aligner has a severe break or does not fit, as desired, you need to contact our office without delay. Before you come into our office, stop using the tray. Use the previous aligner to prevent any setbacks in your treatment. To prevent any future damage, take certain precautions in caring for your aligners. Keep the aligners away from direct sunlight or hot beverages, as the excess heat may warp the trays. Also, use your case whenever you remove your trays to safeguard them. Ask about the correct ways to remove or insert your trays. If you have not done so already, give us a call if you are interested in Invisalign care. Our team of professionals is ready to provide you with the latest in orthodontic care.